As you seek to better understand and learn how to hear from God, we encourage you to start by reading John's book Walking with God — it will truly be the most helpful tool we can offer. Be sure to also check out the Walking with God video series.
As well, our podcast series Conversing with God will be a huge help, as you seek more intimacy with God.
Lastly, whatever the reason you are asking for help on how to hear from God, we'd like to offer a few thoughts from Walking with God to get you thinking:
What if more than one door is open? And what if all the doors are closed but God is wanting to show you how to open a closed door? It’s more complex than “the open door is the one God is leading us to.” But the amazing and life-saving news is that you’re not on your own to figure it out. You have a good Father even more invested in the Life of your hearts than you are, and he would love to show you the way.
And yes, there is opposition. We stand with you against the voice of discouragement, and we pray, asking God to lead you in the path of Life for your heart and to shine his light on the way one step at a time. Above all, that he would deepen your experience of being a son/daughter and that this season of wrestling and risking would be one you look back on as incredibly precious because of the fruit of your seeking deeper intimacy with God. Amen.
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