- If you are interested in running your own BASIC Boot Camp, please check out WildatHeartBASIC.com
This website will have everything you need, for free, including all of the videos and the film clips within the video sessions.
All you will have to do is fill out the FACILITATOR APPLICATION under LEAD A BASIC > SECTION 5. This will unlock everything for you. Once you are ready, you can register your BASIC (under Section 7), which can, in all actuality, consist of 2 men or 500.
We also have a wonderful resource available to facilitators once you are ready to lead a BASIC, and would like to invite you to join the BASIC Facilitator's Slack Community (https://join.slack.com/t/wildatheartbasic/shared_invite/enQtODY2Njk5MTUxMDI2LWQwMTVjNmEyNzVjNWUwYmRhMzdhNGQ0ZGMxMDc1NWVkMzg2YjE1OTU3MDcwNWFhNWM4M2Q4N2QwMDU4NzBmOWE). It's free to join, and there are so many benefits:
- You can ask questions in the community, and receive fairly quick answers from other facilitators who have experience leading BASICs, knowledge richer than we would be able to offer.
- Watch our first BASIC Facilitator's video call with the Wild at Heart team.
- We will post messages about updates to BASIC, such as new videos or resources.
- You can also help other men by sharing your experience and solutions.
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